How to set animated gif as screensaver windows 10
How to set animated gif as screensaver windows 10

how to set animated gif as screensaver windows 10

Open the software application and click on tools option and select the wallpaper animator option from list.Now search some high definition GIF wallpapers on internet and download them.It is small software with size around 9 MB, so after the completion of downloading install it in your computer system.You can download Bionix desktop wallpaper changer from this link. The first step for using GIF as wallpaper is downloading a third party software that is bionix.

#How to set animated gif as screensaver windows 10 how to

How to Use an Animated GIF as Your Wallpaper in Windows 10 So here are the steps that you need to follow:. As default settings, windows 10 don’t support GIF files as wallpapers but with the help of some third party software, it is possible. To make your desktop more attractive, this article contains detailed steps to use an animated GIF as your wallpaper in windows 10. These files are not heavy that is why you will not feel any kind of interruption while using them as wallpaper. If you are windows 10 user and want to enhance the experience of using your PC, then try GIF animations at once. Yes it is possible and also doesn’t require any special skill to set a GIF animation as wallpaper. So, let’s check out how to set GIF as wallpaper on Windows 10 operating system. You can use it to set both video or GIF as wallpaper. Once installed, the tool runs silently in the background without affecting your system resources. A GIF animation is much expressive as compare to the still wallpaper that is why you must have knowledge to use an animated GIF as your wallpaper in windows 10. Steps to Use an Animated GIF As Desktop Wallpaper in Windows 10/11. Now you can also use it as wallpaper to make your desktop more impressive. It has become so popular because you can see GIF files in every mobile device. The graphic interchange format or you can say GIF is the latest trend in media files sharing for entertainment.

How to set animated gif as screensaver windows 10